Best things from the world of babies this week – awkward questions and keeping healthy

From Aston Baby HQ, a beautiful, random mix of the best bits from the world of babies this week. Sharing is caring.

Best things from the world of babies this week


How to handle your kids awkward questions in public


This article from a Mom with a kid who looks different  taught me a lot! It is always difficult that as your babies grow they start asking questions that are possibly very awkward! I wasn’t sure how to respond if my kid asks about another, especially when they are all so little and just ask about everything! This article was great and brought perspective to how the kids and caregivers feel if you try to brush it under the rug or stop the questions and then ignore them. Making another Momma (who is probably just trying to make it through the day like the rest of us!) feel alienated is a horrible thought and I am sure I am guilty of it.

After reading this article I was able to put it into practice when my daughter asked about a man’s artificial leg while we were are the swimming pool, I hope he left our conversation feeling respected and admired by my little one.

Staying healthy in cold and flu season


Generally, I am a germs will make you stronger kind of Mom but when I think back to last winter the amount of sickness in our home it gives me the shivers! I don’t want to go through that again! With the first cold already on us, I am breaking out the lysol wipes, getting the probiotics in and cracking down on sick guests.

We have a lot of kids coming through our house, so I have asked to keep them at home if they are unwell. This is a great article on sick kid etiquette if you aren’t sure! Staying home with a sick kids really does suck, but please don’t bring them here.

For some other good tips on how to keep your family healthy, this article has some good ideas. We still use Lysol wipes, but she does have a point!

End of summer kids sunscreen thoughts


As we started to pack away our summer things, I have realized that I barely used any sunscreen this summer. We have two kids 18 months and three and a half and we spend a lot of time outside.  Nap times were generally at the hottest part of the day, I did opt for shade at other hot times and in evenings I just used hats,  but we used less than one bottle on both kids!  Both kids have a little bit of golden on their skin but neither got sun burned or heat stroke.  Curious what other people experienced?

Of course I am not recommending not to use suncreen, especially if your kids are sensitive to the sun but curious if we were using it too much before!?

Sip n Savour


In case you missed us raving about this event, please join me at the Sip n Savour event to raise money for BC Womens NICU! Details at


Lastly, if you missed the launch of our lovely little shoes, you can now pre-order them here!


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